Ok, this has nothing to do with the lottery, but it made me laugh, and laughing is a GOOD thing.
A pair of robins must have their nest close to my driveway, because today as I left to go to Personal Lottery Central the two of them proceeded to chase my car down the drive. Very big van, very little robins. Didn’t phase them one iota. They had a single purpose – protect that nest, and a big hunking pile of metal wasn’t going to stop them.
It must be good to be single minded. I am not. I am very not single minded. One of my friends on many occasions with great exaggeration has mouthed “Fooo-cuuus” when I bring up the idea of a new project. In truth, the reason I started the Lotteryist was to learn the discipline of constancy, to learn to fooo-cuuus. I would ask how am I doing – but I know the answer. Better than I expected, worse than I should.
There have been some weeks when doing the lottery was impossible – when I was out of the country, or out of the state, or taking care of a sick son, or cooped up in self-isolation, or when my computer went completely bonkers and threw everything out of the Cloud. And some weeks I have just been undisciplined. But I’m trying, really trying to stay on purpose.
I have written down somewhere these five words: dream – goal – plan – work – fulfillment. There is nothing but truth in those five words. Those robins had a dream (if robins dream) of a family. They made a goal to lay eggs. They planned the nest. They worked to build the nest. They will have the fulfillment of little baby robins.
Would those little robins let such petty things as illness or the allure of a journey or the nest falling out of the tree keep them from their focus? I don’t think so.
I should keep those robins in mind. Those robins should be my standard. Maybe, to keep reminding myself of their singlemindedness, I sould cross-stitch a picture of robins on a nest.
Oops, another project. See how easy I am tempted? See how quickly I stray from the path to fulfillment?
Help. I need fooo-cuuus. I need sooo much fooo-cuus.